Thankfully, our friend Sayidi offered to ride with us and show us the way. Without him in the car telling me where to go, I never would have made it. I probably would have turned around at the point where I literally had to drive through the play-yard of the local school, or maybe the part where I had to weave through a cluster of mud huts like so many cones on a drivers ed course taking care not to brush into any, or perhaps one of the many places where the route looked more like a dried up stream bed. There were no other car tracks and the crowd of laughing children running behind our car was a testament to the fact that 4 wheeled traffic is rare indeed in this area.
Here is a picture of Sayidi talking to some of the local kids. It gives you an idea of the setting.

Senya is continuing to adapt very well and has even started to pick up on some of the local customs.

I've always liked the pictures of Lindsay with a scarf wrapped around her hair. I love the picture of Senya with her scarf! Like mother, like daughter. :)
This is a very encouraging blog! You want to think that things set in motion take on a life, and continue to grow. So great that you get to to see it in person.
Sen has some of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!!!
You and Lindsay are doing a great job. I love the photo of should send it to a travel magazine
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