Saturday, June 6, 2009

So Honored

Today is our 6th anniversary. It is hard to believe how fortunate we are to have each other in this life. We are going to take the day and celebrate together. 

We wanted to leave you with this video that we put together of the feeding program at pamoja children's center. 

Many of you who are reading this blog have contributed directly to this program. If you purchased "meals for a nursery school in kenya" in the VCF christmas catalogue this year, then sit back and enjoy seeing your gift in action. Even if you didn't pay directly into this program through the christmas catalogue, if you tithe at VCF, then this is made possible by you as well. VCF is a generous donor to the projects here. 

We also appreciate various friends and family members who have donated to these projects and/or contributed to our trip in one way or another. Even apart from financial contributions, many of you have encouraged and supported us in this journey. Friends at work, professors who trained us, pastors who guide us, our parents who raised us and continue to love us (and watch our dog while we are gone), people who stand beside us through life as we discover how we can show true love on this earth in way that represents what we believe--we thank you.  

This heart warming event takes place twice per day every single day. We can't begin to express how honored we are to be here witnessing this. We hope that this video can help you feel connected to the miracles you are creating every day.


merry said...

How completely wonderful. It brought a tear or two to my eye. Happy Anniversary guys! So blessed to have you as my brother and sister!I hope this day is fantastic and that you have many many more wonderful years together!

peaj said...

Six years! Mazal tov!

It seems so very appropriate that you are spending your anniversary in the land where you do the work that you love.

Thanks for sharing about the work enabled by donations to the catalog. It's good to know that this money doesn't just drop into a black hole somewhere and that it really does make a tangible difference in some peoples' lives.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsay & Collin,

God's rest & refreshing grace on your anniversary day!

thanks for the electrifying motorcycle story. And all the pictures & the success of the sewing project!

"The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease, and His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness, O Lord, to Collin & Lindsay & the Digo people".Jer3:22
love, Tam

Cindy said...

Awesome. Thanks guys.

kathiek said...

Happy Anniversary, Collin and Lindsay! God give you a day full of love, peace, and joy!

My eyes started to fill up a bit just reading your post... before I had even seen the video. The video is amazing! It is so wonderful to see the good work going on there, and to know that we all have a part in it. It made me so happy to see the children eating...and it was really sweet to see the one child giving food to the other, too!

Thanks so much for sharing all of this in such a vivid way through your writing and through the videos. It makes me feel so connected to the work see the programs, what you are doing, and to see where the money is going, too...not just "into a black hole...", as peaj already mentioned.

God bless you both.

Michele said...

Great video! Was that Lindsay I saw? The kids looks so cute - kids are kids wherever you go :)

Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary--what a beautiful life you two share!!!

christine said...

Hey Lindsay and Collin!

It's so exciting to read and see the great things that you and so many here are a part of! I can only imagine how incredible it is to see all of the projects you've helped put together in action. I love reading your blog so thank you for putting the time into writing it. That video was so touching and what a wonderful thing to be able to see so quickly what you guys are doing. I'm praying for you guys!

Collin and Lindsay: said...

Thanks so much for the kind anniversary wishes (we had a wonderful day celebrating) and your comments on the video. We love hearing from everyone!

Michele, your eyes did not deceive you.

It is really so cool to see how even a small donation through something like the christmas catalogue can make a dramatic difference in people's lives.