Monday, June 1, 2009

A second home

We arrived last night at about 1:00 in the morning. The final hours of the trip were spent driving down long, dark roads through maize fields and lush jungle. We were both lulled to sleep by the uninterrupted stretch of darkness with no other vehicles or lights of any kind.

Waking up as the car turned onto the little side road where we stay was a feeling reminiscent of childhood road-trips. You are jolted awake in a car as it turns into the driveway... you climb out of the vehicle into a place where everything feels familiar but clouded by total exhaustion... and you stumble through the dark and into the house to find your bed.

When we woke up this morning, it was almost as though we had never left over this past year. We awoke in the same bed, in the same house that we rented last year. The same bugs and birds were singing outside. The same smells of a recent rain mixed with the aroma and smoke of a cooking fire somewhere nearby drifted in the window. 

We were pleasantly surprised to find that a good night's sleep cured the aches from 30 hours of travel. We got up and spent the day taking care of the necessary details and sorting out a few complexities. We changed some money, paid for the house that we are renting, stocked up on some groceries, got together with a techie friend we met last year to set up a wireless network for us here, got a cell phone to replace the one that mysteriously disappeared on the trip here, and tracked down a bag that didn't make a connection in europe and then didn't clear customs when it was forwarded to Kenya.

Everything seems to be in place now and we are ready to start working. We can't wait to visit our friends and the projects that have been started since we were last here.

We'll keep you up to speed as we meet with people and have news to post.


Mike said...

Hey Guys,

Glad you're there and safe. Praying that everything goes smoothly and that both of you stay healthy.

Jessica said...


Know exactly what you mean about that feeling as a kid when the car turns into your driveway and you just wake up to the feeling of a journey's end.

So excited for you guys on this journey--keep posting!!!

Collin and Lindsay: said...

Thanks, Jessica and Mike!

kathiek said...

I am so glad you arrived safely! I am praying for a safe, healthy, productive, God-glorifying time for you. God bless you!